Friday, April 30, 2010


TowerPuzzle Cube


^Tower Designs^
I wanted to create a watchtower for thsi lonely lady; as a place to look out and search for her travelling husband. The building i also wanted to act as a beacon or like an obelisk, for the husband to see. I had ideas of using chimneys, blowing out smoke as a signal, or just outrageous forms to make it stick out more, or use the tool of light.
^Sail Idea^
My narrative also considered the husband as traveller on the sea. THis building, ius palced on a lighthouse; again expressing idea of a beacon; guiding her husband home. The space is governed by the woman's desire to be connected with her husband, through a design that reflects a ship's sail. Based on an Utzon platform style....thered be this focus tothe outwards view, but with private areas aswell, it would also focus this idea of lookign out and waiting.
^The Glass Floor^
A comfortable home for a housewife longing for her husbands home. Lower level acts a comfortable home with a kitchen and areas for reading, writing etc; however the upper level acts as an openplatform to ave out and search/wait for her husband. The floor of this is glass, allowign light to travel into the lower level, asking the lady to go up and inviting her there. This reflects her desire for him to be with him, away from her house.
^Tower Development^
With Gothic church arches as inspiration, I wanted the entrance to express a welcoming gesture.

Amiens Cathedral, Amiens France 1266

A central tube placed to shine light throughout the building. Theres a open area high up for the watchtower to look out, and above that a private place for the lady to read and write her letters.

One thought is that the tower would almost have a fairy tale nature, acting like the tower of castle, where a princess awaits for her lover.

Painting - Narrative

Girl reading a Letter at an Open Window, 1657 , Johannes Vermeer

"Upon a watchtower, sits a lady: who with letters from abroad hopes and waits to welcome the author; her husband, home"

I looked at the painting, and thought the idea that she was waiting for her husband who was abroad. The letter in the painting would be one telling her that he wont be arriving home at the initial date. She is sad and desires him home. This space acts as a place for her to watch and wait, or help guide him home, and then welcome him home when he arrives.


Hotel by the Railroad, 1952, Edward Hopper

I had a strong connection with this, where feelings of a couple who in old age have started to break away. the idea of longing from the man, to possibly escape; he to me felt unsatisfied in his life, lost in thought and the women being content. Spaces may deal with them breaking away, or her having a content home where his has the desire to open up. Railroad to me was a symbol of travel, or possibly as a tool to show how detached he is, staring at the bleak view.

Girl reading a Letter at an Open Window, 1657 , Johannes Vermeer

I thought this was an interesting painting, the reflection of the face on the window, the fact that the window is open and the painted curtain potrayed to me many possibly interesting narratives. The letter acting as a love letter, where the narrative could be that of a heartbroken women being left, or one receiving a letter that her husband would not return from a far away journey; ideas of young love, letters of death of a lover, were possibilities.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010




WEEK 4/5
draft poche'-section

how the courtyard, and use of spaces is prominent in design/parti

circulation through arrows

platforms (arrows = moving down)

WEEK 2/3

draft poche' - plan

enclosure- how building opens up as you travel down and how this relationship changes as you travel through the villa.
circulation - Different entry points, shows how certain the central area is very fluid, and how corridors/transitions points are used to separate parts of building.

structure - roof/platform relationship

1:100 MODEL

The 1:100 Balsa Wood Model of Can Feliz.
Made from Balsa as most appropriate since it was constructed from sandstone.
The cut through kitchen was done to show depth of the spaces, separate building to show the isolation of the first 3rd of the building.